About 6X6NW
Art exhibition and fundraiser, 6X6NW will feature hundreds of 6x6-inch works of art from artists locally, and all over the country, in all variety of medium.
To protect the health and safety of our community, and to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19, we will be moving 6X6NW online this year!
So head on (virtually, that is) on October 2nd to purchase your favorite piece.
Early Buyer Ticket Holders & Art Council Members: Oct, 2nd 10am - 2pm PST
Buying Opens for all: Oct, 2nd, 2pm PST
You can create an account on this site to expedite checkout by saving your address & credit card details in advance.
Proceeds from the event support Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council programming.

is now closed.
6x6NW Art Show & Sale
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Doors open at 4:00 pm | Buying starts at 4:45pm
FREE entry
Where: Shoreline Community College
16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133
Visual Arts Bldg 2000 (NEW LOCATION)
Please use the West parking lot
This is an in-person, family-friendly event
See and purchase great art while supporting ShoreLake Arts!
If you are a past participant - please read the registration form carefully there have been some changes.
Complete the online registration form
(works will not be received without prior online registration). There is no fee to register.
There is a 10-piece limit on how many works you can submit.
Please do not register until you have your work completed as we need titles for each piece
Registration will be open through the last day of art drop off - September 19.
Artwork Requirements
Finished artwork must be 6 x 6 inches, and must be flat-backed
Artwork with 3D components may not exceed 6 x 6 x 6 inches, and must be able to hang FLAT on a wall. Hooks are not necessary
Works on paper (or other thin material) MUST be mounted, matted or framed such that the back is stiff
Works smaller than 6 x 6 inches must be mounted, matted, or framed such that the outer dimensions of the finished piece is 6 x 6 inches
Framed works are accepted but framing is not required. Outer edge of the frame may not exceed 6" x 6"
All entries must be original and may not be copied from a published artwork or photograph
Work of any medium on any surface will be accepted. Please no glitter or unfixed charcoal/pastel
Donation of Artwork
All artwork entered into 6X6NW will be offered for sale for $36 + tax
No NFS works
Artists can choose to donate their commission to ShoreLake Arts or receive 40% of the sale price.
Proceeds from any donated art become a 100% donation to ShoreLake Arts.
Artists donating their commission to ShoreLake Arts will be thanked by having their name listed on the ShoreLake Arts website, in the electronic newsletter, and on a special social media post.
Please consider donating. Thank You!!
Delivery / Drop Off
Options: Mail or Drop off at ShoreLake Arts office
Deadline for mailed art
Art must be received by
September 12, 2024.
Earlier is better.
Allow extra time for mailing.
Original packaging materials will not be saved
ShoreLake Arts OFFICE
18560 - 1st Ave NE
Shoreline, WA 98155
In Office Art Drop Off
September 9, 10 ,11, & 12
or by appointment through Sept. 19 email programs@shorelakearts.org to schedule a date and time. Registration will close on the 19th.
Each work, regardless of delivery method, should be sandwiched – but not attached – between two pieces of flat, clean 6 x 6 cardboard
Labeling of Artwork
Each work MUST have an identifying label affixed firmly with tape to the back side
Labels should be approximately 2 x 4 inches, white paper with black ink, typed
Labels must include artist’s name, title of the work and email
This label may be removed upon sale so please do not glue or affix so strongly that it can not be lifted off
Artists may ALSO include a personal business card firmly affixed to the back side, or hand write directly on the back of their piece – this is in addition to the label and will stay with the work once sold
Installation / Hanging
Works on paper (or other thin material) MUST be mounted, matted or framed such that the back is stiff and can be hung by the buyer.
Art which is on thin paper or is too flimsy to be displayed properly, may be rejected until the pieces are mounted.
ShoreLake Arts can not guarantee any ordering on where the artwork is displayed in relation to other works. It is the nature of an exhibition that some works will be displayed less optimally than others.
Unsold Works / Pick Up
Unsold works which are left as a donation to ShoreLake Arts become property of ShoreLake Arts
Artwork pick-up will be at the
ShoreLake Arts Office:
October 14-16
10am - 2pm
Any works that are not picked up by October 16 will become the property of ShoreLake Arts unless other arrangements have been made in advance
Artwork to be returned to the artist by mail will be shipped via USPS on or around October 30 (shipping will be at the artist’s expense and will be invoiced and will need to be paid in advance of shipping)
Artwork will not be insured by ShoreLake Arts
Photography of individual works and the 6X6NW installation will be allowed without limitations
ShoreLake Arts reserves the right to exclude any works which are deemed offensive or otherwise inappropriate
I understand that uncredited images of my work may be used for event publicity and marketing purposes
A word from ShoreLake Arts
The aim of 6X6NW is to be an open and all-inclusive, community art exhibit and fundraiser. We will strive to show as many submitted works as possible in the exhibition. However, there may be works which we will reserve the right to not exhibit.
As we plan for 6X6NW we are continually thinking of all those we serve: our members; event sponsors; guests to the event; and the artists. It is our goal to be fair and respectful to all in considering what is displayed.
In the event that a submitted work is declined for exhibition by ShoreLake Arts staff, someone from the office will contact the artist personally to explain.