About 6X6NW
Art exhibition and fundraiser, 6X6NW will feature hundreds of 6x6-inch works of art from artists locally, and all over the country, in all variety of medium.
To protect the health and safety of our community, and to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19, we will be moving 6X6NW online this year!
So head on (virtually, that is) on October 2nd to purchase your favorite piece.
Early Buyer Ticket Holders & Art Council Members: Oct, 2nd 10am - 2pm PST
Buying Opens for all: Oct, 2nd, 2pm PST
You can create an account on this site to expedite checkout by saving your address & credit card details in advance.
Proceeds from the event support Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council programming. ​

Registration and participation is open to all - no photography background required.
8X8Photo is back for the 2nd year, run by ShoreLake Arts, a nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating the creativity in all of us. The proceeds from this event work to keep the arts thriving in our region.
Common Questions
2021 Schedule for Photographers
March 1 - May 9: Call for photographers, register and submit your artwork online. Photographs must be received by this date. Late entries won't be included in the show.
May 19, 5pm: Winners broadcast on a live stream on ShoreLake Arts facebook page
May 17: Sneak Preview. At least one of each photographers photo will be displayed online.
May 20, 10am: Photographs are available to purchase! There is only one of each photograph available.
May 27: Last day for purchases. We will also hold voting for People's Choice Award on the last day.
June 27: Photographers commission checks will be mailed by this date

Complete the online registration form.
Artists may submit up to 10 photographs. Series of photographs welcomed as buyers like to purchase multiple.
$6 fee to register
(free for students pre-K to grade 12)
Note - you only pay the fee once regardless if you enter. e.g. $6 for 1,2 or 10 photographs.
Artwork Requirements
Your photographs should be at least 800 x 800 pixels to make a clear print. Please crop the photos to a square format before submitting (otherwise we will do this for you)
We print all artwork and send it directly to the buyer
NEW - buyers have the option to chose if they want this as a photographic print, or attached to a lightweight foam tile (ready to hang with adhesive strips).
All entries must be original
This is a community event, so we ask that you please keep submissions PG for our littlies eyes.
Sale of Artwork
All artwork entered into 8X8Photo will be offered for sale for $36 + tax
Pickup for buyers is free 2 weeks after purchase from our office. $9 fee for photographs shipped.
No NFS works
Commission: Photographers have the choice of the following:
1. Sale money from any photograph becomes a 100% donation to ShoreLake Arts – Thank You!!
2. ShoreLake Arts will take a 60% commission on any works sold and issue artist checks within 30 days after sales close on the website.
Delivery / Drop Off
Photographs will be shipped or be available for pickup 2 weeks after purchase. We only print what is sold, so that gives us enough time to get our ducks in a row.
Free pickup or $9 delivery fee
Labeling of Photographs
We will print and affix labels to the back of the photographs including:
- Photographer name
- Name of photograph
- Photography business name (if applicable)
- Contact details (you have the option to put down your website/social media details should you wish)
- City and State
ShoreLake Arts reserves the right to exclude any works which are deemed offensive or otherwise inappropriate. We will contact you and discuss should this happen.
A word from ShoreLake Arts
The aim of 8X8Photo is to be an open and all-inclusive, community photography exhibit. We will reserve the right to not exhibit any photographs online that aren't suitable.
As we plan for this event we are continually thinking of all those we serve: our members; event sponsors; visitors to the website and the photographers. It is our goal to be fair and respectful to all in considering what is displayed.
In the event that a submitted work is declined for exhibition by ShoreLake Arts staff, someone from the office will contact the photographer personally to explain.